Once again the gates to AMB in Broakulla will be thrown open to the public on Saturday 14 March. Today, medical technology is the company’s largest business area, and in the past year invested SEK 34 million in ultra-modern production equipment, equivalent to SEK 230,000 per employee.
This year, AMB in Broakulla will take part in the regular open-house day in Emmaboda municipality, and will have majority of the production departments running from the injection moulding of plastic parts to cleanroom production, surface treatment and final assembly.
AMB is expert in the surface treatment of plastics, and it has for several years invested primarily in medical technology customers with high standards.
“We’ve just upgraded our cleanroom, which opened in 2008,” says CEO Tomas Magnusson. “The cleanroom is now home to our latest investment, a fully automatic production line for needlestick protected arterial cannulas that will be launched on the market this autumn.
This single investment amounts to SEK 34 million, mostly in equipment unique to the product. Right now we’re conducting fine-tuning tests, and we hope to have the assembly equipment in operation in time for open house.
AMB will also present a robotised production cell for Cochlear™ hearing implants, decorative lacquering of hearing aid shells and fully automatic inspection equipment specially designed for these shells.
“Our high degree of automation with many processes under one roof, means we’re actually able to compete with manufacturers in low-wage countries, something our customers understand. It simply no longer pays in the same way to produce in Eastern Europe or in Asia.
The company also has a subsidiary, the toolmaker Tingverken in Tingsryd. They too have made themselves known for high-precision products and almost impossible tolerance requirements. They are an important part of the AMB’s concept as a total supplier of medical devices, and some of their tools will be on show to the public.
In addition to its high-tech equipment, AMB is also at the forefront of lean production, i.e. rational production with order and tidiness in the factory.
“So today’s a day when we also want to show off the people who work here, of whom we’re extremely proud. AMB is a totally different company today than it was 10 years ago. Our skilled, dedicated employees were an absolute necessity on our journey,” says Tomas Magnusson.